Privacy Policy


Hot Bed Press are committed to our users right to privacy and secure storage of data. We do not collect, store or share any information from visitors to our website.


When signing up to our mailing list, you are agreeing to us contacting you periodically regarding events, opportunities and exhibitions at Hot Bed Press. We will

Should you decide that you no longer want to hear from us simply click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. Your email address will only be stored on a secure external server (mailchimp) to ensure that we are no longer able to contact you again. Please note that by unsubscribing we will not be able to contact you unless you re-subscribe which you can do either via the website or by email to

As an organisation we are committed to GDPR and will never share your contact details or information with another organisation or individual without your written consent.

financial data

We ensure that any card payments taken at Hot Bed Press are PCI compliant using an external agency to ensure that our payments are safe and the network is protected. We do not store any personal financial or card details, meaning that each time a user wants to make a new payment we will need to take their card details for each separate payment that they wish to pay. The choice to not store financial data ensures that payments can be made safely and without risk.


When joining Hot Bed Press as a member of the organisation, we collect and store contact information which we keep on a password protected database that is only accessible to salaried members of staff.

This information is limited to the members name and contact details. We do not collect or store any data other than the means for contacting you.

If at any point we decide to monitor our membership with regards to sensitive data such as age, religion, race, sexuality etc. this data will be sought only through the direct consent of the member and only used to help us improve diversity within the organisation. Should we choose to monitor sensitive data we will always seek direct consent and we will not store this data in connection with the individual, but simply as a snapshot of the organisation to help us identify areas where we might take positive action to help those at a disadvantage access the services of the workshop.